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Defining Professionalism

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Professionalism in Surgery. Shapiro J, Steinberg S, Souba W. In: Ashley S et al, Eds. ACS Surgery, Principles and Practice. Ontario: Decker Intellectual Properties, 2011.

Professionalism for clinicians and scientists. Shapiro J and Employment Learning Innovations. Facilitators guide, Participants Manual, and DVD (simulation scenarios). Employment Learning Innovations, Inc. 2011 Atlanta, GA.


Perspective: The educational community must develop best practices informed by evidence-based research for remediation of lapses of professionalism. Papadakis M, Paauw D, Hafferty F, Shapiro J, Byyny R, For the Alpha Omega Alpha (AΩA)Honor Medical Society Think Tank.  Acad Med 2012 Dec;87(12):1694-8

Interns & experiences of disruptive behavior in an academic medical center. Mullan C, Shapiro, J, (Co-corresponding author) McMahon G. JGME 2013; 5(1):25-30.

Supporting Professionalism and Trust. Shapiro J, Nadelman S. In: Plews-Ogan M, Beyt G, Eds. Wisdom Leadership in Academic Health Science Centers: Leading Positive Change. London: Radcliffe Publishing, 2014:74-88.

Instituting a culture of professionalism: the establishment of a center for professionalism and peer support. Shapiro J, Whittemore AW, Tsen LC. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf 2014; 40(4):168-177.

Cultural Transformation in Professionalism. In: Medical Professionalism: Best Practices, eds. Shapiro J.  Byyny RL, Papadakis MA, Paauw DS. Menlo Park, CA: Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society, 2015.

Professionalism in Surgery. McMains KC, Shapiro J.  In: Ashley S et al, Eds. Scientific American Surgery. Hamilton: Decker; March 2016.

Instituting a culture of professionalism: the establishment of a center for professionalism and peer support. In: Strategies for Creating, Sustaining, and Improving a Culture of Safety in Health Care, 2nd Edition. Shapiro J, Whittemore AW, Tsen LC. Oak Brook, IL: Joint Commission Resources, 2017.

We Have Enough Information to Act. Shapiro J.  Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2018;158(6):985-986.

Confronting unprofessional behavior in medicine. Shapiro J. BMJ. 2018 Mar 7;360:k1025.




RTE Radio 1 Drivetime Interview with Jo Shapiro – July 2019. Professionalism.

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